/ soundy I / unstable(ry) life project - part 2

Part 1 : Video art and sound art installation at Manif D’Art, Quebec
A process of part 1 is a sound walk and recording sound and video around Quebec city. A special vibration camera hang behind and camera was recorded the activity of  local residencies in Quebec city meanwhile it also delay effect. The video will screen image and sound of unstable life because at that time in Quebec is winter and snowing differently in Thailand is summer that make an artist shock about weather, question about life in two country and throughout to compare about unstable political issue in Thailand.

Part 2 :  Sound art and Video performance at AVATAR, Quebec
The performance related part 1, invited local piano list Simon Paradis - Dionne, show live performer creating sound related visual, all of lighting on screen generate by funeral lighting (christmas lighting) show on screening projected images seem human's inside that throughout to universal. A special vibrating camera shooting the light to screening and the audiences will compare 2 part, lighting on stage and lighting on screening also sound that almost generated in same time and it make unstable life.

*in Thailand we also used christmas lighting for decorate funeral.

Supported : AVATAR, LE LIEU, Manif D’Art, BACC Bangkok

Photo by : Marion Gotti

Unstable(ry) Life project - part 1 (2016)