/ soundy I / ilostmyselfintotheworldofsignalofyou

“ilostmyselfintotheworldofsignalofyou 2018”

Video installation,
HD 1080i 16:9 video / Color / no sound/ time 5 min 25 sec.

morse code : .. .-.. --- ... - -- -.-- ... . .-.. ..-. .. -. - --- - .... . .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. --- ..-. ... .. --. -. .- .-.. --- ..-. -.-- --- ..-

at PostScripts (Bangkok Biennale 2018),
Praisaneeyakan, Bangkok.
Curated by
Charoen Contemporaries.

This outdoor video installation is located at the rear of the old post office building. The video is projected onto translucent screens visible from both sides, seamlessly integrating with the environment. The video piece resembles UFO lights flickering in Morse code signals, a language historically used for close-range communication during the early era of long-distance communication.

photos by Charoen Contemporaries team.

info : Charoen Contemporaries