/ soundy I / Gentle But Make Noise

“Gentle But Make Noise” 2022

Workshop Gentle But Make Noise (GBMN) 1st workshop
Organized by
Sa Sa Art Projects.
at Rong Cheang: A Community Art Studio, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

    This workshop focused on creating DIY instruments capable of generating simple noise frequencies using only a few electronic components. The design of each instrument depended on the participants, who used local objects (plastic bottles, wood, paper, etc.) to build their creations. The resulting sounds varied, with each simple instrument representing the inner vibrations and personal expressions of its maker.
    Once the instruments were completed, the participants communicated through GBMN, collectively producing sounds that formed a unified sound collective, reflecting the diversity of each individual. Some participants used these instruments to release internal pressures,
expressing sounds that might otherwise remain trapped inside.

    ** The name of this workshop get inspire by Takayuki Yamamoto's sentence, Sapporo, 2020.**

This workshop lasted for two days.

Day 1: Listening to our songs and learning how to make a simple noise generator.
Day 2: Walking through the market, listening, and recording sounds.

    Raung Jeang: A Community Art Studio. RaungJeang is a new community art studio initiated by Sa Sa Art Projects, as part of Sa Sa’s participation in documenta15, 2022. It is intended to be a space for the Cambodian artistic communities to learn, exchange, and experiment in their practices. Artists can use the studio to experiment and create works, while a series of workshops by renowned artists from Southeast Asia and internationally will be organized.

Photos by Sa Sa Art Projects team.

info : GBMN information at Hackteria.org
       : GBMN workshop in Yogyakarta version.
       : GBMN Journey book in English and Slovenia
       : GBMN Journey book in English.  
       : GBMN workshop in Zurich review.